WHISNER William Thomas ciel de gloire - histoire des as de l\'aviation de 1914 à nos jours WHISNER William Thomas "Bill"
WHISNER William Thomas "Bill"








Né le 17 octobre 1923 à Shreveport (Louisiane)
Décédé le 21 juillet 1989 à Alexandria (Louisiane)



20 victoires homologuées
2 victoires en collaboration
2 victoires probablesion
6 avions ennemis endommagés
3 avions ennemis détruits au sol







Grade Date
Arrivée Départ Fonction Secteur
USAF 04/42 02/43 Elève Pilote Etats-Unis
487 FS / 352 FG 02/43 1945 Pilote Europe
USAF 1947 1951 Pilote Etats-Unis
334 FIS / 4 FIW 09/51 11/51 Pilote Corée
25 FIS / 51 FIW 11/51 03/52 Pilote Corée
USAF 1952 1971 Commandant Etats-Unis

Né en 1923 en Louisiane, William Whisner s'engage dans l'Armée le 16 mars 1942 et débute son entraînement au pilotage le 10 avril 1942. Il obtient ses ailes et ses galons de Sous-Lieutenant le 15 février 1943 à Napier Field en Alabama. Il est affecté au 487th FS / 352nd FG le 23 février 1943. Fin septembre 1943, il compte 410 heures de vol dont moitié au titre de l'entraînement initial. Au cours de l'année 1944 et au début de 1945, il remporte 15,5 victoires avec le groupe et reçoit 2 fois la Distinguished Service Cross.

Le 1 janvier 1945, la Luftwaffe lance sa dernière grande offensive de la guerre, l'opération Bodenplatte. Conduite par plus de 800 chasseurs bombardiers, cette vaste opération vise 15 aérodromes principaux. Profitant de l'effet de surprise, l'attaque allemande provoque d'importants dégats sur la plupart des bases attaquées. Non prévenue afin de conserver le secret jusqu'au dernier moment, la Flak allemande fera plus de dégats dans les rangs allemands que la chasse adverse. Sur la base d'Asch, connue sous le code Y-29, les pilotes du JG 11 vont cependant rencontrer une opposition inattendue qui va fondamentalement changer la donne du combat. Au moment où les appareils allemands se présentent, 8 P-47 du 390th Fighter Squadron / 366 Fighter Group sont en train de grimper pour une patrouille matinale alors que 12 Mustang du 487th Fighter Squadron / 352nd Fighter Group attendent l'ordre de décollage, moteurs allumés. Dans les minutes qui vont suivre, c'est l'une des plus importantes batailles de cette journée qui va se dérouler. Au cours du combat qui va durer 30 minutes, 11 pilotes du 352nd Fighter Group vont revendiquer 23 appareils allemands abattus, sans perte du côté américain avec seulement 3 avions endommagés :


White 1 - White 4 Lt. Col. John C. Meyer : 2 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la DSC - 3e)
White 2 - Capt. Alex F. Sears : 1 Fw 190 abattu
White 3 - Capt. Raymond H. Littge : 2 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la Silver Star)
White 4 - Lt. Alden P. Rigby : 3 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la Silver Star)

Yellow 1 - Lt. Col William T. Halton : 1 Fw 190 abattu (Recevra la Silver Star)
Yellow 2 - Capt. Henry M Stewart : 3 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la Silver Star)
Yellow 3 - Capt. Sanford Moats : 4 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la DSC)
Yellow 4 - Lt. Dean Huston : 1 Fw 190 abattu

Red 1 - Capt. William Whisner : 4 Fw 190 abattus (Recevra la DSC - 2e)
Red 2 - Lt. Walter G. Diamond : 1 Fw 190 abattu
Red 3 - Lt. Nelson R. Jesup : 1 Fw 190 abattu
Red 4 - Lt. William C. Miller


Opération Bodenplatte / Les ailes de légende






Il termine la guerre avec le grade de Capitaine et quitte l'Armée le 23 août 1945.

Il se réengage le 17 octobre 1947 et se voit promu Major le 1 septembre 1951. Il est affecté en Corée au 334 FIS / 4 FIW en septembre 1951 avec 1593 heures de vol à son actif. En Corée, il se distingue en abattant 2 MiG 15 et en endommageant 5 autres appareils du même type entre septembre et novembre 1951. En décembre, il est transféré au 25 FIS / 51 FIW, toujours en Corée et remporte 4 nouvelles victoires dont 1 en collaboration qui lui permettent de devenir le 7eme As de la guerre de Corée par ordre chronologique. Il quitte la Corée en mars 1952 avec le statut de double As au cours de deux guerres différentes, un des 7 pilotes américains à obtenir ce titre.

Promu L.Col en 1959 et Colonel en 1965, il prend le commandement du 48 TFW du 1 février 1970 au 29 mars 1971 avant de quitter l'Armée.



352nd Fighter Group



487th Fighter Squadron

Traducteur / Translator / Traduttore / übersetzer / vertaler


WHISNER William Thomas "Bill" (Colonel) O-798190. O-39455. 16324A


1939 / 45 : ETO

Distinguished Service Cross (One oak leaf cluster)
Silver Star
Distinguished Flying Cross (3 oak leaf clusters)
Air Medal (12 oak leaf clusters)

1952 / 53 : Corée

Distinguished Service Cross
Bronze Star
Distinguished Flying Cross

Après Guerre

Commendation Medal



The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to William T. Whisner, Jr. (0-798190/16324A), Captain (Air Corps), U.S. Army Air Forces, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Pilot of a P-51 Fighter Airplane in the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352d Fighter Group, EIGHTH Air Force, in aerial combat against enemy forces on 21 November 1944, during an air mission in the European Theater of Operations. On that date, Captain Whisner led a flight of P-51s on an escort mission to Merseburg, Germany. As the bombers left their target, a large formation of enemy fighters struck. In a linked series of attacks, Whisner shot down four FW- 190s in the cover flight and probably got another. With no more than two -190s left in the cover flight he had attacked, Whisner turned his attention to the main enemy formation, exploding an ME-190 that had not dropped its belly tank. Evading three -190s on his tail, he shot down another that was closing on one of his pilots. Whisner was credited with five FW-190s and two probables that day. His score later was revised by the Air Force Historical Research Center to six destroyed, making that day one of the best for any USAAF pilot in the skies over Europe. Captain Whisner's unquestionable valor in aerial combat is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the 8th Air Force, and the United States Army Air Forces.

Headquarters: U.S. Strategic Forces in Europe, General Orders No. 9 (1945)

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Service Cross to William T. Whisner, Jr. (0-798190/16324A), Captain (Air Corps), U.S. Army Air Forces, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Pilot of a P-51 Fighter Airplane in the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352d Fighter Group, EIGHTH Air Force, in aerial combat against enemy forces on 1 January 1945, during the Luftwaffe's desperate mass strike on airfields in Belgium and Northern France. On that date, the 352d Group was operating temporarily from a field in Belgium under IX Tactical Air Command. In the ensuing battle, fought at low altitude and before the 487th had time to form up, Captain Whisner shot down an ME-90, then was hit by 20-mm. fire. With his windshield and canopy covered by oil and one aileron damaged, Captain Whisner stayed in the fight, shooting down two more ME-190s and an ME-109. Captain Whisner's unquestionable valor in aerial combat is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the 8th Air Force, and the United States Army Air Forces.

Headquarters: U.S. Strategic Forces in Europe, General Orders No. 34 (1945)
Personal Awards: 2@ Distinguished Service Crosses (WWII), Distinguished Service Cross (Korea)

Awarded for actions during the Korean War

The President of the United States of America, under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Distinguished Service Cross to Major William T. Whisner, Jr., United States Air Force, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United Nations while serving as a Pilot with the 25th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, 4th Fighter Interceptor Group, FIFTH Air Force, in action against enemy forces in the Republic of Korea on 23 February 1952. On that date Major Whisner destroyed an enemy MIG-15 aircraft attacking an F-86 piloted by a member of his own group. Major Whisner flew to the immediate aid of the pilot in the face of the enemy's great numerical superiority. With an expertly executed maneuver, he attacked the MIG-15 which was pressing full attack on the friendly aircraft and forced the enemy to break away. As Major Whisner bore in to deter the enemy action, another MIG-15 swept down on his tail and began lobbing shells at his aircraft. In spite of the imminent danger of losing his own life, Major Whisner continued to force the first MIG-15 to break away, and, in the face of overwhelming odds, destroyed the enemy aircraft. The downed MIG-15 raised Major Whisner's record of enemy aircraft destruction to five and one-half and established him as the seventh jet ace of the Korean campaign.

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to First Lieutenant (Air Corps) William T. Whisner, Jr. (ASN: 0-798190/16324A), United States Army Air Forces, for gallantry in action against the enemy as a Pilot of a P-51 Fighter Airplane of the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352d Fighter Group, EIGHTH Air Force, on 24 May 1955. On that date, Lieutenant Whisner, with his flight, made a fighter sweep against important military targets deep in Germany. During one such attack against a heavily defended railway junction, his aircraft was seriously damaged. He pressed his attack so close that oil from an exploding locomotive sprayed over the canopy of his plane. Separated from his unit, Lieutenant Whisner continued to make daring strafing attacks in the face of intense enemy fire. His determination to wreak havoc upon the enemy is borne out by the fact that he destroyed the amazing total of ten locomotives, this despite the damaged condition of his aircraft. This outstanding record attests to Lieutenant Whisner's gallantry, indomitable fighting spirit and skill as a pilot.

General Orders: Headquarters, 8th Air Force, General Orders No. 470 (July 27, 1944)





Victoires aériennes


Objectifs terrestres
Avions détruits au sol  
  Endommagés au sol

Date Heure Revendic Type Unité Avion d'arme Unité Lieu   Référence
29.01.44 12.00 Détruit Fw 190
P-47D-2RA / 42-22515 HO-U 487 FS / 352 FG Malmedy
(Lt) Whisner W T
30.04.44 10.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51B-5NA / 42-196471 HO-M 487 FS / 352 FG Clermont Ferrand
(Lt) Whisner W T
29.05.44 12.05 Détruit Fw 190
P-51B-7NA / 43-6707 HO-I 487 FS / 352 FG Gustrow
(Lt) Whisner W T
30.05.44 11.30 Détruit Me 109
P-51B-5NA / 42-106449 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG Magdeburg
(Lt) Whisner W T
02.11.44 12.45 Détruit Me 109F
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
(-) -
21.11.44 12.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Probable Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Probable Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
21.11.44 12.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG SO Merseburg
(Cpt) Whisner W T
27.11.44 12.00 Détruit Me 109
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG En route vers Hameln
(Cpt) Whisner W T
27.11.44 12.00 Détruit Me 109
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG En route vers Hameln
(Cpt) Whisner W T
01.01.45 09.30 Détruit Me 109
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG N Liege
(Cpt) Whisner W T
01.01.45 09.30 Détruit Me 109
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG N Liege
(Cpt) Whisner W T
01.01.45 09.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG N Liege
(Cpt) Whisner W T
01.01.45 09.30 Détruit Fw 190
P-51D-10NA / 44-14237 HO-W 487 FS / 352 FG N Liege
(Cpt) Whisner W T
01.10.51 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86A 334 FIS / 4 FIW Corée
(Maj) Whisner W T
06.10.51 09.55 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86A 334 FIS / 4 FIW YD4050
(Maj) Whisner W T
04.11.51 11.25 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86E 334 FIS / 4 FIW XE3030
(Maj) Whisner W T
08.11.51 13.34 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86A 334 FIS / 4 FIW YD2070
(Maj) Whisner W T
08.11.51 13.35 Détruit MiG 15
F-86A 334 FIS / 4 FIW Sukchon. YD2273
(Maj) Whisner W T
09.11.51 09.00 Détruit MiG 15
F-86A 334 FIS / 4 FIW Sinanju. YD3478
(Maj) Whisner W T
00.12.51 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW Corée
(Maj) Whisner W T
06.01.52 15.40 Détruit MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW Wongsong-dong
(Maj) Whisner W T
11.01.52 15.50 Détruit MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW Yongsan-dong
(Maj) Whisner W T
16.01.52 08.40 Endommagé MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW YE2010
(Maj) Whisner W T
20.02.52 15.00 Détruit MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW Uiju
(Maj) Whisner W T
(-) -
23.02.52 15.15 Détruit MiG 15
F-86E 25 FIS / 51 FIW Tang-wong dang
(Maj) Whisner W T


STARS & BARS - Frank Olynyk - Grub Street Editions
F-86 Sabres of the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing - Warren Thimpson - Osprey frontline colour 6
F-51 Mustang units over Korea - Warren Thimpson - Osprey frontline colour 1
Korean War Aces - Robert F Dorr, Jon Lake, Warren Thompson - Osprey aircraft of the Aces 4
B29 Superfortress Units of the Korean War - Robert F Dorr - Osprey Combat Aircraft 42
Korea The Air War 1950 / 1953 - Jack C Nicholls & Warren E Thompson
MIG Alley - Larry Davis - Squadron Signal Publications