USA - GREGG Eugene S ciel de gloire - histoire des as de l\'aviation de 1914 à nos jours GREGG Eugene S
GREGG Eugene S







Né le ????
Prisonnier le 8 novembre 1944




1 victoire en collaboration






Grade Date
Arrivée Départ Fonction Secteur
USAAF 194? 1944 Elève Pilote Etats-Unis
HQ / 55 FG 09/44 14/10/44 Pilote Grande Bretagne
338 / 55 FG 14/10/44 11/44 Pilote Allemagne
Stalag 11/44 05/45 Prisonnier -

Affecté au QG du 55th Fighter Group en septembre 1944, Eugene Gregg est attaché au 338th Fighter Squadron à l'occasion des sorties opérationnelles à partir du mois d'ocotbre. Un mois plus tard, le 11 novembre, après avoir mitraillé un train, son appareil commence à laisser échapper de la fumée blanche. Tentant de poursuivre le plus longtemps pour se rapprocher du secteur allié, le moteur ne tarde pas à prendre feu après que tout le liquide de refroidissement se soit échappé. Sautant en parachute, le pilote sera capturé et envoyé au Luft Stalag I jusqu'à la fin de la guerre.







55th Fighter Group



338th Fighter Squadron

Traducteur / Translator / Traduttore / übersetzer / vertaler



GREGG Eugene S (Cpt)

European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal

Prisonner of War Medal





Victoires aériennes


Non confirmées  

Objectifs terrestres
Avions détruits au sol  
  Endommagés au sol

Date Heure Revendic Type Unité Avion d'arme Unité Lieu   Référence
Détruit (1/2) Me 109
P-51D 44-14026 338 FS / 55 FG Mersberg
(Cpt) Gregg Eugene S
(xx) x x
2/Lt. John E. Kester reported: "Captain Gregg was leading Yellow section of Program Squadron returning from a bomber escort mission to Merseberg, Germany. I was Yellow 2, while Yellow 3 and 4 had aborted before reaching the target. We dropped down to 10,000 feet to get away from the high velocity head winds and were proceeding out with another flight from Program Squadron when it was decided that we would go down and strafe. We had been flying a heading of 310 degrees, and I judge we were approximately southwest of Hanover when we spotted a locomotive. My radio reception was inaudible, but I kept watching Captain Gregg, saw him drop his tanks and peel off. I followed some 3 to 400 yards behind. We circled and made a pass broadside at the locomotive. Captain Gregg's strikes caused it to gush steam, and I followed, firing and passing over without observing any ground fire. We climbed again to about 7,000 feet and continued on course. About this time I saw a thin white stream pouring from Captain Gregg's rear scoop. I called him and told him about it, and also that I could no longer receive. He wiggled his wings in reply, and we flew some time on a heading of 240 degrees, leading me to believe that he had called for a homing from 'Legacy' or 'Messenger'. After the coolant had all run out we continued on course for 10 minutes before Captain Gregg's engine caught fire. I flew out to the side to stay clear of his canopy, and S'ed to stay back with him. While I was weaving from left to right across him, Captain Gregg bailed out. His plane dove into a wood, exploded and set fire to the surrounding trees. Captain Gregg landed in the wood beside a road. I circled once, passing over the road, and saw the chute hanging on the trees. There were civilians on the road running toward where he landed, and nearby flak guns fired at me before I completed a second pass along the road. I do not know whether or not Captain Gregg was still in his chute. The flak forced me to leave the immediate area, so I returned to base. I cannot accurately ascertain the location of Captain Gregg's landing, but I know it to be near and east of Munster, Germany."

German J 2443 reported Capt. Gregg's capture the same day by a tank unit near Boenninghardt.

The 338th Squadron received word of Capt. Gregg's POW status, 31 March 1945. He eventually was sent to Stalag Luft I.


STARS & BARS - Frank Olynyk - Grub Street Editions